Your gateway to innovation in Brooklyn.
For Japanese entrepreneurs aiming to enter the U.S. market, we offer complimentary access to our coworking office in Brooklyn, located just one block from the Bedford Av. station. The Jungle offers a unique environment where you can push the boundaries of innovation and engage in rigorous collaboration. It is more than just a workspace; it is a vibrant ecosystem where ideas are cultivated and ambitions are realized. Access to this facility is subject to a screening process, ensuring that we select companies with the potential for significant impact and growth in the U.S. market.
Why is it targeted toward Japanese entrepreneurs?
This is because the Japanese entrepreneurial community in New York is significantly smaller compared to those of other nationalities. This coworking space was created as an infrastructure to help grow and energize the community.
Spacious desks designed for focused work, equipped with ergonomic chairs.
専用デスク:集中して作業できるよう、天井高を低くした空間に、エルゴノミックチェアを完備しました。Private space with conference facilities and a 150-inch projector for team meetings, events, and movie screenings.
ミーティングスペース:会議設備と150インチのプロジェクターを備えたプライベートスペースで、チーム会議、イベント、映画上映に最適です。We have prepared outdoor chairs and other items that are easy to take to the terrace. The terrace is equipped for barbecues and tent saunas.
屋上のテラスと休憩スペース;テラスに持っていきやすいように、アウトドア用のチェアなど用意しました。屋上でバーベキューやテントサウナなどできるように準備しています。As you ascend the stairs, you'll find artificial turf and Yogibo cushions prepared for you. It's an ideal space for taking a break or brainstorming with your colleagues.
階段をのぼると、人工芝とヨギボーのクッションが用意されています。休憩や仲間とのブレインストーミングの場として。A fully equipped kitchen where you can prepare meals or grab a coffee.
キッチン:食事を準備したり、コーヒーを飲んだりできる設備が整ったキッチンです。Equipped with TOTO toilets with washlets, providing a familiar comfort for Japanese visitors.
TOTOのウォシュレット完備!海外に住む日本人には、これないとつらい。あと男性用の小便器もつけたのが、コワーキングとしては地味に嬉しいかと。For more information, visit our parent company: